20 Harry Hochheiser. "Filtering FAQ''. En "Filters & Freedom. Free Speech Perspectives on Internet Content Controls'', Electronic Privacy Information Center, Washington, 1999, págs. 83-102. 1ª edición. http://www.cpsr.org/filters/faq.html. Publicado originalmente en la Web. La versión 1.1.1 fue actualizada el 14 de febrero de 1998. Existe traducción al castellano de la versión 1.0 en Cuadernos Ciberespacio y Sociedad n 2, febrero 1999, en http://cys.derecho.org/02/FAQ-filtros.html. 21 David Kerr. Action Plan on Promoting Safer Use of the Internet. Preparatory Actions -- Self-labelling and Filtering. Final report, Internet Content Rating for Europe, Abril 2000. http://www.saferinternet.org/downloads/full.pdf. PREP-ACT 2 Contract 25530. 22 Philippe Mathonnet, Stefano Lamborghini y Mario Martinoli. Review of European Third-party filtering and rating software & services (Lot 3). Final report -- volume 1, Institut de l'Audiovisuel et des Télécommunications en Europe, Diciembre 1999. http://www.saferinternet.org/downloads/IDATEreport1.doc. PRE-ACT 25532. For the attention of EC DGXIII. 23 Philippe Mathonnet, Stefano Lamborghini y Mario Martinoli. Review of European Third-party filtering and rating software & services (Lot 3). Final report -- volume 2, Institut de l'Audiovisuel et des Télécommunications en Europe, Diciembre 1999. http://www.saferinternet.org/downloads/IDATEreport2.doc. PRE-ACT 25532. For the attention of EC DGXIII. 24 Naciones Unidas. "Convention on the Rights of the Child''. http://childhouse.uio.no/childwatch/cwi/convention.html. 25 National Coalition Against Censorship. "The Cyber-Library: Legal and Policy Issues Facing Public Libraries in the High-Tech Era''. En "Filters & Freedom. Free Speech Perspectives on Internet Content Controls'', Electronic Privacy Information Center, Washington, 1999, págs. 143-166. 1ª edición. 26 Monroe E. Price y Stefaan G. Verhulst. "The Concept of Self Regulation and the Internet''. En Jens Waltermann y Marcel Machill (eds.), "Protecting our children on the Internet. Towards a new culture of responsibility'', Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh, 1999. http://www.stiftung.bertelsmann.de/internetcontent/english/ download/Self_regulation.doc english/download/Self_regulation.doc. 27 Paul Resnick. "PICS, Censorship, & Intellectual Freedom FAQ''. Enero 1998. http://www.si.umich.edu/presnick/pics/intfree/faq.htm. Versión 1.14. 28 Ulrich Sieber. "Part IV: Legal Regulation, Law Enforcement and Self-Regulation. A New Alliance for Preventing Illegal and Harmful Contents in the Internet''. En Bertelsmann Foundation (ed.), "Responsibility and Control for Illegal and Harmful Contents in the Internet'', Bertelsmann Foundation, 1999. http://www.stiftung.bertelsmann.de/internetcontent/english/ download/Law_enforcement.pdf english/download/Law_enforcement.pdf. 29 Varios autores. Filters & Freedom. Free Speech Perspectives on Internet Content Controls. Electronic Privacy Information Center, Washington, 1999, 1ª edición. Autor: © 2001 Javier Villate.